Sandra Plasschaert
Founder/PR consultant
Bitten by the PR bug and incurable ever since!
Sandra is the founder of Cats Communication. She likes creative thinking, planning new projects and bringing people together. In love with language and language jokes, art and design, travelling and running.
Favourite PR quote: "There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about." - Oscar Wilde
Say hello!
E: sandra@catscommunication.be
T: +32(0)479 35 10 39

PR Consultant
Writing talent with vision!
Janna sharpens her pen for Cats Communication as PR Consultant. Creative thinker who creates clear, swinging texts and thinks critically about PR campaigns. Loves to travel, new challenges and PR.
Favourite quote : “If I was down to my last dollar I would spend it on PR” -Bill Gates
Say hello!
E: press@catscommunication.be
T: +32(0)497 86 65 52